Star Wars D6

This is a work-in-progress and should grow and improve until complete (if it is ever completed).

Here are some notes for a Star Wars D6 game using the late, lamented West End Games. I am using the REUP (Revised, Expanded and Updated) rules expansion from d6holocron.

The game is set during the Era of Rebellion (Episodes IV-VI). I consider the movies canon (although some things will be de-emphasized, such as midi-chlorians), then the TV shows, then the Expanded Universe, then whatever.

The typical Star Wars game has the player characters gradually becoming, even if somewhat reluctantly, Rebels. But some games might be a little more free-wheeling. I will try and work both approaches into the same game.

War tends to simplify things and the Galaxy can be divided into four major regions, although the borders between regions can be extremely blurry.

Imperial Territory: These are the worlds loyal to, or dominated by, the Empire. The Empire is, far and away, the most powerful region in the Known Galaxy. Most experts believe any who oppose it are doomed to fall and be absorbed by the Empire.

Alliance Space: The worlds opposed to the Empire are the second major region of the Galaxy. While many worlds would like to think that they are holding off the Empire through sheer courage and determination, in most cases they simply are not dangerous enough for the Empire to deal with immediately.

Minor Polities: Beyond the Empire and Alliance, there are countless other societies that survive by being beneath notice or playing the Alliance and Empire against each other for precious time.

Unexplored Space: The Galaxy is too vast to have been explored completely, even during the long years of the Republic. Now exploration is a very low priority except for military advantage. It may be that the crucial advantage to winning the Civil War is somewhere in the great unknown.

Let’s start with Alliance Space, the home ground for most Star Wars games…

The Mighty Mynocks

Most Rebel personnel are from Alliance worlds and fit best within their planet’s military structure (all of which have now been more or less standardized within the Rebel Alliance). But a few recruits fit best as undercover agents within Imperial Space. One of the best approaches for this is to have the agents use the crew of a starship as cover.

This approach is generally known by Imperial personnel, who have given the derisive nickname ‘mynocks’ to these Rebel agents. Mynocks are the power-draining parasites that are the bane of starships everywhere and the name was meant as an insult. But the Rebels took the name to heart adding the ‘Mighty’ descriptor to the name.

Each cell of Mynocks uses the cover of a starship crew to avoid notice. To make the act convincing, and to save on costs for the credit-strapped Alliance, the Mynocks spend most of their time simply trying to keep their ship flying and solvent like most crews. Mynock cells can be completely composed of committed Rebel agents, Privateers, Mercenaries or any combination of those groups.

GM Notes: The actual ratio of genuine Rebel missions to merely surviving adventures, and the ultimate motivations of the crew (Rebels, privateers, mercenaries, etc.) can be set to the party preferences.


Each Mynock cell has a ship that is their center of operations. Almost all of these are light freighters that have seen better days. The Rebellion either supplies the ships outright to the cell, or enhances the ship owned by some or all cell members. The understanding being that the ship owner will be able to keep the modifications when the war is no doubt won by the Rebellion.